(Ecclesiastes 6:3 만족) If a man begets a hundred children and lives many years, so that the days of his years are many but his soul is not satisfied with goodness, or indeed he has no burial, I say that a stillborn child is better than he-하나님은 주의 자녀에게 행복과 평안을 주시는 분이시다. 오늘 본문에서는 자신이 해 아래에서 한가지 불행한 일을 보았는데 마음을 무겁게 하는 것이라고 하며 어떤 사람은 그 영혼이 소원하는 재물과 존귀와 부요를 하나님께 받았으나 하나님께서 그것을 누리도록 그에게 허락하지 아니하였으니 이것이 헛되어 악한 병이며, 사람이 비록 백명의 자녀를 낳고 장수한다 하여도 그 영혼이 행복으로 만족하지 못하며 안장되지 못하면 낙태된 자가 그보다 낫다고 하였다. 또한 사람의 수고가 자기 입을 위함이나 그 식욕은 채울 수 없으며 지혜자가 우매자보다 나은것이 무엇이냐 하며 사람들이 헛된 생명의 말을 그림자 같이 보내며 일평생에 낙이 무엇인지 모른다 했다. 아멘
God is the one who gives happiness and peace to His children. In today's text, he said that he saw an unfortunate event under the sun, which was a burden to his heart, and that some people received wealth, honor, and riches from God that their souls desired, but God did not allow them to enjoy them, and that this was a meaningless and evil disease, and that even if a person had a hundred children and lived a long life, if their soul was not satisfied with happiness and was not laid to rest, then an abortion was better than that. He also said that a person's toil was for his mouth, but his appetite could not be satisfied, and that a wise man was better than a fool, and that people spent their vain words of life like a shadow, and did not know what joy was in their lifetime. Amen.
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