(Psalm 22:9~10 의뢰)But You are He who took Me out of the womb; You made Me trust while on My mother’s breasts.I was cast upon You from birth. From My mother’s womb You have been My God. 하나님은 주의 자녀를 모태에서부터 지키시고 빛을 주시는 분이시다. 오늘 본문에서는 '내 하나님이여 내 하나님이여 어찌 나를 버리셨나이까'하며 낮에도 부르짖고 밤에도 잠잠하지 아니하오나 응답하지 아니하긴다고 하였지만, '이스라엘의 찬송중에 계시는 주는 거룩하시니이다'라고 고백하고 '그 조상들이 주를 의뢰함으로 그들을 건지셨나이다'라고 하고 자기는 벌레요 사람이 아니라 사람의 비방거리이며 백성의 조롱거리라 하며, 오직 주께서 자신을 모태에서 나오게 하시도, 자신은 모태에서 나올 때부터 주께 맡긴바되고 자기 하나님이 되셨다고 하며 자기를 멀리하지 마시길 구하고 속히 도우시길 구하였다. 아멘
God is the One who protects His children from their mother’s womb and gives them light. In today's text, it is said that he cries out during the day and is silent at night, saying, ‘O my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ but he does not answer, but he confesses, ‘You are holy in the praises of Israel,’ and says, ‘His ancestors are holy. “Because they trusted in you, you delivered them.” He said, “He is a worm and not a person, but a slander of men and a laughing stock of the people.” However, although it was the Lord who brought him out of his mother’s womb, he was entrusted to the Lord from the time he came out of his mother’s womb. He said that he had become his God and asked that he not be far from him and that he help him quickly. Amen