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Psalm 39:4~5 종말

presentlee 2024. 8. 30. 09:38

(Psalm 39:4~5 종말) "LORD, make me to know my end, And what is the measure of my days, That I may know how frail I am. Indeed, You have made my days as handbreaths, And my age is as nothing before You; Certainly every man at his best state is but vapor. Selah. 하나님은 주의 자녀에게 종말과 연한의 어떠함을 알게 하시는 분이시다. 오늘 본문에서는 자신이 말하기를 '나의 행위를 조심하여 내 혀로 범죄하지 아니하나니 악인이 내 앞에 있을 때에 내가 내 입에 재갈을 먹이리라'했을 때 자기 근심이 더 심해졌다고 하며, 자신이 작은 소리로 읊조릴 때에 불이 붙어서 '여호와여 나의 종말과 연한이 언제까지인지 알게 하사 내가 나의 연약함을 알게 하소서' 했다. 또한 사람이 든든히 서 있을 때에도 진실로 모두 허사라고 하며 재물을 쌓으나 누가 거둘 지 알지 못하며 자기 소원이 주께 있다고 하며 주께서 죄악을 책망하실 때 그 영화를 좀먹음같이 소멸하게 하시니 인생이 모두 헛되다 하며 건강 회복하시길 구하였다. 아멘

God is the One who makes His children know what the end and duration are like. In today's text, he says that his anxiety got worse when he said, 'I am careful about my ways, that I do not sin with my tongue. When the wicked are before me, I will put a bridle on my mouth.' As it was burning, a fire was kindled, and he said, 'Lord, let me know my end and how long my days will be, so that I may know my weakness.' Also, when a person stands firm, he truly says that it is all in vain, he accumulates wealth but does not know who will receive it, and his desire is in the Lord, and when the Lord rebukes his sin, he destroys his splendor like a moth, and he says that all life is in vain, and he recovers his health. I asked you to do it. Amen

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