(Psalm 90:14~15 만족)Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy, That we may rejoice and be glad all our days!Make us glad according to the days in which You have afflicted us, The years in which we have seen evil. 하나님은 주의 자녀에게 일생동안 기쁘고 만족케 인도하시는 분이시다. 오늘 본문에서는 주께서 대대에 우리 거처가 되셨다고 하시며 주는 산이 생기기 전, 땅과 세계로 조성하시기 전 영원부터 영원까지 주는 하나님이 되신다고 하시며 사람을 티끌로 돌아가게 하시고, 주의 목전에는 천년이 지나간 어제같고 밤의 한 경점 같으며 주께서 그들을 홍수처럼 끌어가신다고 하시며 우리의 은밀한 죄를 주의 얼굴빛 가운데 두시고 우리의 모든 날이 주의 분노 중에 지나간다고 하고 우리의 연수가 칠십, 팔십이어도 연수의 자랑은 수고와 슬픔뿐이며 신속히 간다고 하고 이침에 주의 인자하심이 우리를 만족케 하사 일생동안 기쁘게 하시길 구하였다. 아멘
God is the one who leads His children to joy and satisfaction throughout their lives. In today's text, He says that He has been our dwelling place for all generations, and that He is God from everlasting to everlasting, before the mountains were formed, before He formed the earth and the world, and that He has turned man back to dust, and that a thousand years in His sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night, and that He carries them away like a flood, and that He has set our secret sins in the light of His countenance, and that all our days pass away in Your wrath, and that the days of our lives are seventy or eighty, yet their boast is labor and sorrow, and they quickly pass away, and that He has prayed that His lovingkindness may satisfy us and make us joyful all our days. Amen.
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